Help with Expect script for pulling log files size larger than 500Mb;

I am new at developing EXPECT scripts. I'm trying to create a script that will automatically connect to a several UNIX (sun solaris and HPUX) database server via FTP and pull the sizes of the listener/alert log files from specified server directory on the remote machines.

  1. I want the script to only pull files larger than 500Mb and the decimal places rounded off.
  2. I used 'du -sk' because it works both on Sun Solaris and HPUX.
  3. Here is a sample output
            Alert Log 12c: /oracle/DEV/saptrace/diag/rdbms/dev/DEV/trace/alert_DEV.log - 126.368 (MB)
            Listener Log: /oracle/DEV/saptrace/diag/tnslsnr/Server00/listener/trace/listener.log - 444.785 (MB)]

a. With this comnand, out put looks like this..(i want it rounded to full full numbers say 234mb)

# command for gathering Listener Log 
[set v_listener_command "; echo '            Listener Log' | tr '\\n' ':'; echo '' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g' | tr '\\n' ' '; echo '-' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; du -sk `lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g'` | awk '{ print \$1 /1024 }' | tr '\\n' ' ' ;  echo '(MB)'"]

b. With this command, i get the error below:

# NEW command for gathering Listener Log
[set v_listener_command "; m=\$(du -sk `lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g'` | awk '{ print \$1/1024 }');m=\${m%%.*};if test \$m -ge 0 ; then echo ' Listener Log' | tr '\\n' ':'; echo '' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g' | tr '\\n' ' '; echo '-' | tr '\n' ' ' ;echo \${m}Mg; fi "]

extra characters after close-quote
while executing

"set v_listener_command "; m=\$(du -sk `lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g'` | awk '{ prin..."

Can anyone help me to try and get this resolved?

Welcome to the forum.

Please with every new thread post your OS, shell, and used tools' versions, and compose a careful, precise, and detailed specification.
Your's above leaves me utmost confused.
Where do you use / intend to use the expect command?
How did you produce your sample output?
How do you connect to the remote servers?

Please be aware that expect is a last resort tool - it's better to tailor a solution with standard tools, evaluating their results and exit codes.

In the working command replace the awk '{ print \$1 /1024 }' with awk '{ print int ( \$1 / 1024 + 0.5 ) }' .

Thanks to MadeInGermany, your proposed modification fixed my issue. I am grateful.

I have one more question, is it possible to modify the working command to only pull files larger than 500Mb?

thanks in advance.

Like you did in your unsuccessful attempt, I have moved the echo's into an if branch and assumed a /bin/sh compatible shell:

[set v_listener_command "; set -f ; f=`lsnrctl status | awk '/Log/{ print \$4 }' | sed 's|alert/log.xml|trace/listener.log|'` ; du -sk $$f | awk '{ x= int ( \$1 / 1024 + 0.5 ) }'` ; if [ $$m -gt 500 ] ; then echo '            Listener Log:' \$f '-' \$m 'MB'; fi"]

Looking at your error message the ] character might clash with the embracing [set ] , then try to \escape it: [ $$m -gt 500 \] or \[ $$m -gt 500 \] .

Thanks again for the input... the above mod seems to be clashing. Will it be possible to modify this code to only select log files >500Mb:
[# command for gathering Listener Log

set v_listener_command "; echo '           [ Listener Log' | tr '\\n' ':'; echo '' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g' | tr '\\n' ' '; echo '-' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; du -sk `lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed ]'s/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g'` | awk '{ print int ( \$1 / 1024 + 0.5 )  }' | tr '\\n' ' ' ;  echo '(Mb)'"


Here is a sample output from the command that you helped me modify:

            Alert Log 12c: /oracle/DG/saptrace/diag/rdbms/dg/DG/trace/alert_DG.log - 14 (Mb)
            Listener Log: /oracle/DG/saptrace/diag/tnslsnr/server100/listener/trace/listener.log - 530 (Mb)]
            Alert Log 12c: /oracle/PG/saptrace/diag/rdbms/pg/PG/trace/alert_PG.log - 48 (Mb)
            Listener Log: /oracle/PG/saptrace/diag/tnslsnr/server200/listener/trace/listener.log - 451 (Mb)]
            Alert Log 12c: /oracle/DG/saptrace/diag/rdbms/dg/DG/trace/alert_DG.log - 8 (Mb)
            Listener Log: /oracle/DG/saptrace/diag/tnslsnr/server3d00/listener/trace/listener.log - 521 (Mb)]

Now i just want to be able to only pull the log files from Server100 and Server3d00.

Could somebody please help me, i am trying to print only listener log files larger than 500Mb and i am getting the error listed below....!! I really do not know what to do next.....Please i need some help!!

[# command for gathering Listener Log ]
[set v_listener_command "; echo ' Listener Log' | tr '\\n' ':'; echo '' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g' | tr '\\n' ' '; echo '-' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; du -sk `lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | sed 's/alert\\/log.xml/trace\\/listener.log/g'` | awk '{if ( \$1 / 1024 + 0.5 > 500 ) print $1 }' | tr '\\n' ' ' ;  echo '(MB)'"]

[can't read "1": no such variable
    while executing

"set v_listener_command "; echo '            Listener Log' | tr '\\n' ':'; echo '' | tr '\\n' ' ' ; lsnrctl status | grep Log | awk '{ print \$4 }' | s..."]

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