Help with DISPLAY


I have humming bird exceed software installed in my system.

I have 2 aix lpars with 7.1 version. When I export the display and run xlcock it works only in one server.

The output of the below command is the same in both the lpars

# cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config  | grep -i X11
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes

Please advise as it is working in only one lpar.

Did you restart the ssh daemon after making the change?

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I have restarted the ssh daemon and still no success ?

if you manually export DISPLAY to point to your desktop ip, then ssh has nothing to do with it


telnet yourdesktopip 6000

(port 6000 is for display 0.0, if you use display 10.0, telnet to 6010)

from both servers, also try to run xhost + on your desktop, to disable access control

if you want to use ssh,

ssh -X user@servername

then check the display variable

$ echo $DISPLAY

should look like


on both servers

in this case, the X11 connection is tunneled over ssh, which makes it easier through firewalls, and also more secure

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