Help with directory copy please


I have a folder that has about 100 directories. They all have different names. I need to do a find and copy of only directories (and their files) that start with ABC.

There are directory names as ABCDE,ABCDG,ABCHT and so on.

I tried using the AB* but that doesn't work. Can someone help me out with this please?

Mixed metaphors? A folder is a directory!

What did you try using AB*?

find ABC* -type f | xargs cp ?????

cp to where?

Not looking for files (type -f). Looking for directories that start with ABC. Once found, copy the directory and it's contents to /new/

find ABC*  -type d -exec cp -r {} /new/{} \;

Ah! missing the -r

I tried that earlier and got some rediculous output.
