Help with copying file from AIX to Windows

Dear All,

I am in need of your help again.

I want to copy a file from AIX to Windows. I was able do the same with WinSCP but not able to do with any commands.

I have tried ftp, scp and scp2 but nothing worked.

Can anyone suggest me a command on how to copy/move a file from AIX to Windows??

Thanks in advance

What is so special about your file scp or ftp fails? (what is: nothing worked).

---------- Post updated at 19:43 ---------- Previous update was at 19:39 ----------

Wonder if you are not having issues with windows internal firewall or services...

What are you using on the AIX server as in ftpd, ssh, etc?

I didn't exactly understand "I was able do the same with WinSCP but not able to do with any command". You have it working with WinSCP?

Windows does not have scp unless you download and install the utility from a third party. WinSCP is one such utlity. Windows does have an ftp client, but you need to be running the ftp daemon on the AIX server in order to connect.

The easiest way I have found for me download the putty version of scp called pscp. Just google search for putty and you'll find it. It works just like scp, I guess it is scp but called pscp. Run the command from the windows machine and if that doesn't work then vbe's suggestion about the firewall or services may be an issue.

If you initiate the copy from your UNIX server and want to use SCP or FTP you might need to run an SSH or FTP server on your windows. Search the web for free SSH server for windows (there are several around).

Is it a binary file? With FTP you need to enter "i" to get the binary transfer to work.


I got tired of opening up various programs to copy files to and from my AIX boxes. I finally installed Samba and shared out the home directories for each user. I mapped it to my "N" drive ("N"IM) on my Windows box. Now I just drag and drop files to/from there. It is soooooo nice.

Hi all ,

sorry for delay in reply.

it is just a text file.

I was able to copy the file using a WinSCP gui tool from AIX server to local Windows box.

But not able to copy file with any file transfer commands. I am looking for commands because I have to write a script.

Please suggest me a command to transfer the file from AIX server to Windows box. In my case I cannot use any samba.

Thanks in advance

you need some service that provides ftp, sftp, rcp.. for you windows box

FileZilla - Server Download

for example

or you export a cifs share on your windows box, and mount it on the aix box, with the bos.cifs_fs.rte package

so no running smbd is required on the aix box

Like funksen said, if you have bos.cifs_fs.rte installed, you could use this kind of script to automatically copy files to a Windows share:

smbclient "//windows_hostname/share_name" -U win_domain/win_userid << EOF
cd remote_path
mput file_name

"win_domain" is your windows domain if you use one
"win_userid" is the Windows user ID that has write access to the share
"share_name" has to be the name of the share.
"remote_path" would be subdirectories in the share if you had any.

To not get prompted for a password, save the password to a file like "/home/user/.smb.passwd" and then export the environment variable "export PASSWD_FILE=/home/user/.smb.passwd" before you run the commands above or save inside a script along with the commands.