Help with converting XML to Flat file

Hi Friends,

I want to convert a XML file to flat file.

Sample I/p:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<DataFile xmlns:xsi='' contactCount='4999' date='2012-04-14' time='22:00:14' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='gen
<Contact id="1">
    <Street>401 </Street>
  <Activity date="2012-04-04" source="Business Center" subSource="ES 2012 BC  22461" tdm_seq_num="EF_14832004" time="1
      <POI code="15866" year="2012"/>
      <POI code="1-1ED0DJ" year="2012"/>
        <Response>4-6 months</Response>
        <Response>Moab, UT</Response>
<Contact id="2">
    <City>Jersey City</City>
  <Activity date="2012-04-05" source="Autoshow" subSource="ES 2012 Marketing 22402" tdm_seq_num="EF_14837438" time="
        <Response>New York, NY</Response>

I need to generate to flat file.
Atleast I am expecting 2 or 3 columns:

 ID     subSource                        Email
1      ES 2012 BC  22461  
2      ES 2012 Marketing 22402

Help me guys....
I don't have advanced pgms installed. I have awk, gawk commands.


Try this for removing the tags and then continue with awk, gawk.

sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' test1.txt

Plz help me in this. i tried but I was strucked! :wall:

Could this help you ?
I have change the sequence .....

 perl -nle 'BEGIN{print "ID\tEmail\tsubsource";} if (/Contact id(\s+=|=)(\s+\"|\")(.+?)\"/) {printf "%s\t",$3} if (/subSource(\s+=|=)(\s+"|")(.+?)\"/){printf "%s\n",$3} if(/<Email>(.+?)<\/Email>/){printf "%s\t",$1}'  filename