Help with Complex Bash Script

I have an FTP server with thousands of Invoices. All Invoices are in a folder called /volume1/MBSInvoices/

Monthly invoices are added to that folder every month.

Here is a sample filename of the Invoices:


the Account ID is the 6th segment of the name ( 10030052 )

I would like to create a bash script that does the following:

Check the 6th segment in the file name. If a folder with that name doesn't exist, create one. Otherwise don't create one.

Move those Invoices to their correspondent folders based on the 6th segement on the invoice name



The script will check the file name, specifically the 6th segment.
If the a folder named 10030052 doesn't exist, create a new one.
Then move the file invoice_1_20170101_10010052_10020052_10030052_JOHNDOE.pdf to folder 10030052

If the folder named 10030052 already exists,
move the file invoice_1_20170101_10010052_10020052_10030052_JOHNDOE.pdf to folder 10030052

The script needs to do this for over 600 files. The script will be run once a month as new monthly invoices become avaiable.


Welcome to the forum.

Any attempts / ideas / thoughts from your side?

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Hi RudiC, I have no idea as I'm a newbie to bash scripting.



Well, try

for FN in *.pdf
   do   TMP=${FN#*_*_*_*_*_}
        mkdir "$TMP"
        echo mv -v "$FN" "$TMP"

The echo is for safety reasons; remove it if you're happy with the results it proposes. No error checking is done; add some decent check before using it in production. Esp., we make use of the behaviour of mkdir failing without further complications should the directory already exist, but it could fail for other reasons.


rm ${BASE_DIR}/FIle_list.txt

find ${SOURCE_DIR}/ -name "*.pdf" >> ${BASE_DIR}/FIle_list.txt

for i in `cat ${BASE_DIR}/FIle_list.txt`
	FILE_NAME=`basename $i`
	FOLDER_NAME=`basename $i| awk -F "_" '{print $6}'`
	echo ${FILE_NAME}
	echo ${FOLDER_NAME}
	if [ -d "${TARGET_DIR}/${FOLDER_NAME}" ]
		mkdir -p ${TARGET_DIR}/${FOLDER_NAME}

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The UNIX and Linux Forums

kpkanani, Thanks a Million. The scripts works exactly the way we need it to.

Rudi, Thanks for your help too.
