Help with changing font size in konsole

I created a very very basic script that opens multiple konsole terminals when I run the script which essentially sshs into a jump box into the end device and tails some logs etc etc. A few of the konsoles run scripts where the default font size is too big and the lines are cut off. Which I would just manually resize the font to whatever size I would like in the GUI. But being my lazy self and the fact I have to do the task repeatedly, I wanted to find out if there was a way to add an option in my scripts that could size the font automatically for particular konsoles and leave them as default for the reset. I messed around with the konsole --font option but with no luck I keep getting QFONT::setRawName() Invalid XLFD, I don't think I am using the syntax correctly. The closest I've come is using the konsole --profile option which will launch the terminal with the desire font size, but the terminal just sits there and doesn't execute the other commands.

this is a sample line

konsole --geometry 1272x320+0+0 -e bash -c 'ssh X.X.X.X ssh X.X.X.X watch -d2 ./'

Reads like xterm, so does it take '-fn 12x24' ?

Thanks for the reply. I've tried -fn and --font and -font with 12x24 and I'm receiving the same error.

QFont::setRawName(): Invalid XLFD: "12x24"

I might just alter the lines and just use xterm, for just those particular sessions. I was just hoping there was a way to adjust it in kde konsole via command line and not just thru the GUI. If you have any other ideas or thoughts. Much appreciated.

I sounds like a font resources setup problem. Does konsole have different font demands? You might run strace on it to see where it goes looking for fonts.