Help with calculating frequency of specific word in a string

Input file:


Desired output file:

#read_1 3
#read_1 1
#read_2 2
#read_2 3
#read_3 6

Perl script that I have tried:


$/ = ">";

while (<>) {
	next if $. ==  1;

	my($header,@other) =  split(/\n/,$_);
	$sequence = join"",@other;

	my @letters = split"",$sequence;
	$seqlength = length $sequence;
	$counter = 0;

	foreach $base (@letters) {
		$counter++ if $base eq 'Z';
	print ">$header\t$counter\n";	

Command I have tried:

[home@user]perl input_file.txt > input_file.stats
[home@user]cat input_file.stats
#read_1 4
#read_2 5
#read_3 6

My purpose is to calculate the frequency of "Z" at each string in detail.
However, I only able to total sum all the frequency of "Z" in each string.

Thanks for any advice.

perl -l -0043 -ne '/(.*)\n(.*)/;$h=$1;$s=$2;while($s=~/Z+/g){print "#$h " . length $&}' input_file.txt
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Thanks, bartus11.
Your perl script worked perfectly.
Do you mind to explain what is the meaning of "-l -0043" and "/(.*)\n(.*)/;" at the beginning of your perl script?
Many thanks for advice.



specifies the input record separator ($/ ) as an octal or hexadecimal number.

Octal value of the ASCII code for "#" is "043", so now "#" is specifying record boundaries, not newlines. Now to your second question:


In that new record whatever is before a newline is matched by red part in the regex, so the header (read_...) goes there. What is after newline is matched by blue part, so the line with Zs goes there.

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