Help with awk and html


i have a file say test with the following output

server    share-name                   path                                              acl                                                                           
---------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEST_SERVER TEST_SHARE_PATH /TEST/TESTSHAREPATH "test\testuser / Read","test\testuser1_R / Read","test\testuser2_RW / Change"

Need some help in achieve the attached output and send it via sendmail to outlook with html headers.

Expected output i have attached.

Kindly help

An .xls (= binary) file with HTML headers? "sendmail to outlook"? Hmmmm...
I guess at least a sample output is definitely needed here!

Your input sample seems to have spaces as field separators as well as interspersed in field 4. Did you search for similar cases and their solutions in these forums? A small awk script might create a .csv file for you, to be easily read into EXCEL if need be.

Any attempts / ideas / thoughts from your side? Any preferred tools?

HI RudiC

An .xls (= binary) file with HTML headers? "sendmail to outlook"? Hmmmm...

Seems like some miscommunication happened here.

i attached the excel sheet just to show the expected output.

i need some awk script which should align the output the way in excel and send via sendmail
