Help with assembly code

I want make simple assembly code for some thing like this a^6+6a^2+2a and range of a is between -3 to 3. I tried but it is not working properly. As this is my first assembly program that I am going to try, I want some help with it.

I found this example online but i dont want this kind of complicated stuff. I just want to start of with simple programing by using function like call .mul, add, sub thatz all.

1 ; function quadratic
2 ; finds solutions to the quadratic equation:
3 ; a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0
4 ; C prototype:
5 ; int quadratic( double a, double b, double c,
6 ; double * root1, double *root2 )
7 ; Parameters:
8 ; a, b, c - coefficients of powers of quadratic equation (see above)
9 ; root1 - pointer to double to store first root in
10 ; root2 - pointer to double to store second root in
11 ; Return value:
12 ; returns 1 if real roots found, else 0
14 %define a qword [ebp+8]
15 %define b qword [ebp+16]
16 %define c qword [ebp+24]
17 %define root1 dword [ebp+32]
18 %define root2 dword [ebp+36]
19 %define disc qword [ebp-8]
20 %define one_over_2a qword [ebp-16]
22 segment .data
23 MinusFour dw -4
25 segment .text
26 global _quadratic
27 _quadratic:
28 push ebp
29 mov ebp, esp
30 sub esp, 16 ; allocate 2 doubles (disc & one_over_2a)
31 push ebx ; must save original ebx
33 fild word [MinusFour]; stack -4
34 fld a ; stack: a, -4
35 fld c ; stack: c, a, -4
36 fmulp st1 ; stack: a*c, -4
37 fmulp st1 ; stack: -4*a*c
38 fld b
39 fld b ; stack: b, b, -4*a*c
40 fmulp st1 ; stack: b*b, -4*a*c
41 faddp st1 ; stack: b*b - 4*a*c
42 ftst ; test with 0
43 fstsw ax
44 sahf
45 jb no_real_solutions ; if disc < 0, no real solutions
46 fsqrt ; stack: sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
47 fstp disc ; store and pop stack
48 fld1 ; stack: 1.0
49 fld a ; stack: a, 1.0
50 fscale ; stack: a * 2^(1.0) = 2*a, 1
51 fdivp st1 ; stack: 1/(2*a)
52 fst one_over_2a ; stack: 1/(2*a)
53 fld b ; stack: b, 1/(2*a)
54 fld disc ; stack: disc, b, 1/(2*a)
55 fsubrp st1 ; stack: disc - b, 1/(2*a)
56 fmulp st1 ; stack: (-b + disc)/(2*a)
57 mov ebx, root1
58 fstp qword [ebx] ; store in *root1
59 fld b ; stack: b
60 fld disc ; stack: disc, b
61 fchs ; stack: -disc, b
62 fsubrp st1 ; stack: -disc - b
63 fmul one_over_2a ; stack: (-b - disc)/(2*a)
64 mov ebx, root2
65 fstp qword [ebx] ; store in *root2
66 mov eax, 1 ; return value is 1
67 jmp short quit
69 no_real_solutions:
70 mov eax, 0 ; return value is 0
72 quit:
73 pop ebx
74 mov esp, ebp
75 pop ebp
76 ret

Try writing the code in C/C++ and compiling to an assembly file instead of a binary object.

gcc -O3 -S code.c

See how GCC does what you want.

You can change the optimization levels and see what effect they have.

The assembly code example you got from the web is for x86 not sparc that is if you are on a Solaris platform using a sparc chipset...besides you mentioned that in an earlier thread. Search the web for sparc assembly language tutorials because thats what is relevant to your needs.