Help w/ save and executing terminal actions

Hey everyone,

Being new to the deeper levels of OS X and UNIX I am hoping the bright minds on the board could push me in the right direction.

On a daily basis I work as a CG Generalist (creating 3D for film) and I am using a 3th party render engine with my main 3D program (Autodesk Maya) which in order to render needs a license issued.

Normally I would have to go thru the finder to the directory of the render engine and then open the terminal and drag two files into it -
the first file being a UNIX exe (Called licserver "License Server") and the other a .dat file (license.bat) and after pressing return it would issue my license and I can render.

This was okay to do the first 2 times until it got rather teadious and knowing that there is always a smarter way of doing it I looked into issuing the license from within Maya.

The way I imagined doing it would be as following:

In maya I would use it's native language (MEL) to execute a apple script which contained a "do shell script" command that would do what I did manually.

My questions is - is this a feasible way or could I do a "recording" of some sort of what I've been doing in there terminal and save it as a executable file ??

Again as I am new to the unix / Terminal element of os x I am not sure what I am looking for so any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I am not clear about some aspect or you need more information on it just let me know and I will post what you need.

Thanks in advance.