Help!! trying to connect to linux SSH from windows putty client


i am trying to connect my Putty session on a windows box to a linux SSH, i have generated private and public key pairs using puttygen, i have set the public one to be in an OPENSSH format... and have put this in my authorized_keys file in linux, when i connect i get the following errors:

Server refused our key,

and then a popup window that says...

Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey,gssapi-with-mic)

any ideas what this could be?


managed to find a reason for this...

by looking at /var/log/secure it said that the directory previous to the .ssh directory had the wrong permissions...

so /home/.ssh was 700

but /home was 777 :S

so i changed /home to 700 and then this worked OK

thanks for all the views!

Good job.