Help to find AIX materials exam


I have been working for 2 yeas on IBM servers, now I'm thinking to get my first certification on AIX UNIX, I'm need your co-operation to provide me the link that from I can download or find the new exam book, actually I have many REDBOOK but I guess they are related to 5.xx version what I'm looking for currently is the site which contains IBM book to be ready for the EXAM & the nature of the questions will probably come, so If someone had any idea & can help me cause as I mentioned this is my first step in UNIX filed, appreciate your help, thanks for you & for this good site which is NO 1 in UNIX over the net,,

take the practice exam for $10. well worth it.

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I'd like to thank you for your reply, but I'm looking for the curriculum it self I, have only 5.XX version but what I need is 6.0 I think there are 2 current exam 000-103 & 000-104 over the net, where can I find the book to prepare for them, thank for your cooperation