help: single digits inflated to 2 digits

Hi Folks
Probably an easy one here but how do I get a sequence to get used as mentioned. For example in the following I want to automatically create files that have a 2 digit number at the end of their names:

m@pyhead:~$ for x in $(seq 00 10); do touch file_$x; done
m@pyhead:~$ ls file*
file_0  file_10  file_3  file_5  file_7  file_9
file_1  file_2   file_4  file_6  file_8

So instead of file_0 I want file_00, and so forth. What am I doing wrong?


touch file_$(printf "%02d" $x)

I also just found the -w option for seq

for x in $(seq -w 00 10); do touch file_$x; done
m@pyhead:~$ ls file*
file_02  file_05  file_08  file_10
file_00  file_03  file_06  file_09
file_01  file_04  file_07  

scottn : I didn't realise that you could use the format print like that. Thats good to know. Thank you