Help - shell script newbie

My problem looks like it should have a simple solution but it seems that after many days of research I cannot find a good solution. What I have is an input file that contains lines of information. What I need is to extract specific information from that file. What I know is that somewhere in the file there is a path(s) that I need to extract to an output file for a different program. That path is between '@' and ' " ' characters, i.e. ("sqlplus ${user}/${password}@tempfile/format/"). I've tried different command lines, including grep, but they all output the whole line rather than just the necessary path, which is imbedded inside the line.

Any help will be greatly appreciated

do this, this shud work

nawk 'path=match($0,/\@.*\"/){print substr($0,RSTART + 1,RLENGTH -2)}' ext

This shud give ur directory path.

Devaraj Takhellambam

It worked!!! Thank you for the help!!!