[Help] Script to monitor logs

Hello friends, as they are? First of all sorry for my poor English. I tell them what is my problem. I have the following script, which is basically what makes error search for a pattern within a folder containing logs. The script works fine, the problem is that whenever I find a pattern of new error, I send an email with all faults, and I just want to send me new errors found. Can anyone give me a hand? Thank you!

 errors=$(grep "System Error Pattern Here" /var/log/)
echo "$errors" > /tmp/current-errors.log

if      [ -e "/tmp/prior-errors.log" ]
         then echo "prior-errors.log Exists" > /dev/null
        touch /tmp/prior-errors.log | echo "" > /tmp/prior-errors.log

newentries=$(diff --suppress-common-lines -u /tmp/prior-errors.log /tmp/current-errors.log | grep '+[0-9]')

                test "$newentries" != "" && test "$errors" = ""
                then echo "No New Errors" > /dev/null
                test "$newentries" != ""
                then echo "$errors" | mailx -s "WARNING: Error Messages Detected" noc@yourcompanyhere.com
                echo "$errors" > /tmp/prior-errors.log

Are these log files constantly being written too, if they are, why not archive the files after you search through them.

Replace this line:

 then echo "$errors" | mailx -s "WARNING: Error Messages Detected" noc@yourcompanyhere.com

with this:

 then echo "$newentries" | mailx -s "WARNING: Error Messages Detected" noc@yourcompanyhere.com