Help required to Print Single quote into a file


I need help in printing string enclosed with single quotes to a file.

I am trying to write a shell script which when run will create another script below is the script logic.

echo '#!/bin/sh' >
echo 'for FILE in $*' >>
echo 'do'	>>
echo '/bin/awk ''{$0 = FILENAME "|" $0; print}'' $FILE' >>
echo 'done' >>

The problem is the script created ( when is run does not have single quotes include for awk command.

The body has:

/bin/awk {$0 = FILENAME "|" $0; print} $FILE

but required is
The body has:

/bin/awk '{$0 = FILENAME "|" $0; print}' $FILE

I have tried many combination using \ or " but none of them succeeded. Please advise.



echo "/bin/awk '{$0 = FILENAME \"|\" $0; print}' \$FILE"


echo '/bin/awk '\''{$0 = FILENAME "|" $0; print}'\'' $FILE'
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Hello imrandec85,

Could you please try following and let me know if this helps.

cat script.ksh
awk -vs1="'" -vs2="\"" 'BEGIN{print "#!/bin/sh" ORS "for FILE in $*" ORS "do" ORS "awk  " s1 "{$0 = FILENAME " s2 "|" s2 "$0; print}" s1 " $FILE" ORS "done" >> ""}' | sh
chmod 755
./   Input_file1     Input_file2

EDIT: Adding a single awk script/code which will do your task of creating the script and running it too as follows.

awk -vs1="'" -vs2="\""  -vs3="\\" 'BEGIN{print "awk -vs1=" s2 s1 s2 " -vs2=" s2 s3 s2 s2 OFS s1 "BEGIN{print " s2 "#!/bin/sh" s2 " ORS " s2 " for FILE in $*" s2 "ORS " s2 "do" s2 "ORS " s2 "awk  " s2 " s1 " s2 "{$0 = FILENAME " s2 "s2 " s2 "|" s2 " s2 " s2 "$0; print}"  s2 "s1 " s2 " $FILE" s2 " ORS " s2 "done" s2 ">> " s2 "" s2 "}" s1 " | sh" ORS "chmod 755" ORS "./  Input_file1  Input_file2"}' | sh

Also one liner command form of above awk command is as follows.

awk -vs1="'" -vs2="\""  -vs3="\\" 'BEGIN{
                                          print "awk -vs1=" s2 s1 s2 " -vs2=" \
                                          s2 s3 s2 s2 OFS s1 \
                                          "BEGIN{print " s2 "#!/bin/sh" s2 " ORS " s2 \
                                          " for FILE in $*"  \
                                          s2 "ORS " s2 "do" s2 "ORS " s2 "awk  " s2 " s1 " \
                                          s2 "{$0 = FILENAME " s2 "s2 " s2 "|" s2 " s2 " s2 "$0; print}"  \
                                          s2 "s1 " s2 " $FILE" s2 " ORS " s2 "done" s2 ">> " s2 ""  \
                                          s2 "}" s1 " | sh" ORS "chmod 755" ORS "./  Input_file1  Input_file2"
                                   '  | sh

You need to provide Input_file names as above shown Input_file1 and Input_file2 , like that you could give all Input_file names and could run the script. Please try this and let us know how it goes then.

R. Singh


echo '	/bin/awk '\''{$0 = FILENAME "|" $0; print}'\'' $FILE' >> /tmp/
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Thanks RudiC & wisecracker. Solution provided by both of you worked for me.

RavinderSingh13, I was facing some other issue using commands provided.
Problem: The cursor is moving to next line [>] expecting some other commands i guess, anyways thank you for the response.

Hello imrandec85,

I have used following one-liner solution and it worked for me.

awk -vs1="'" -vs2="\""  -vs3="\\" 'BEGIN{
                                          print "awk -vs1=" s2 s1 s2 " -vs2=" \
                                          s2 s3 s2 s2 OFS s1 \
                                          "BEGIN{print " s2 "#!/bin/sh" s2 " ORS " s2 \
                                          " for FILE in $*"  \
                                          s2 "ORS " s2 "do" s2 "ORS " s2 "awk  " s2 " s1 " \
                                          s2 "{$0 = FILENAME " s2 "s2 " s2 "|" s2 " s2 " s2 "$0; print}"  \
                                          s2 "s1 " s2 " $FILE" s2 " ORS " s2 "done" s2 ">> " s2 ""  \
                                          s2 "}" s1 " | sh" ORS "chmod 755" ORS "./  Input_file1  Input_fil2"
                                   '  | sh

EDIT: Checked non-one liner in my previous post and both solutions are working as expected as follows.

awk -vs1="'" -vs2="\""  -vs3="\\" 'BEGIN{print "awk -vs1=" s2 s1 s2 " -vs2=" s2 s3 s2 s2 OFS s1 "BEGIN{print " s2 "#!/bin/sh" s2 " ORS " s2 " for FILE in $*" s2 "ORS " s2 "do" s2 "ORS " s2 "awk  " s2 " s1 " s2 "{$0 = FILENAME " s2 "s2 " s2 "|" s2 " s2 " s2 "$0; print}"  s2 "s1 " s2 " $FILE" s2 " ORS " s2 "done" s2 ">> " s2 "" s2 "}" s1 " | sh" ORS "chmod 755" ORS "./ Input_file1  Input_file2"}' | sh

Output came as follows.

Input_file1|                      03/08/2016 09:40-09:45            4       0.0
Input_file1|*********                        ------------ ---------

R. Singh

For a literal transfer of text from a script to a file, I think the best method would be the quoted here-document:

cat << "EOF" >>
for FILE in $*
  /bin/awk '{$0 = FILENAME "|" $0; print}' "$FILE"

Which literally puts the content in the file, without worries of quotes, escapes, globbing or variable expansions..

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