Help required to pass the parameter

i am calling a pl/sql procedure through a shell script, there is one IN and 2 OUT parameter required to pass to the procedure to execute..

My procedure is XX_CITIDIRECT_EXP_PKG.main_proc and In parameter is p_period which I wanto to pass 'MAY-06'.

Can anyone figure out, whats is wrong here

setenv TSTAMP1 "'MAY-06'"
sqlplus -silent apps/apps <<EOF
variable p_period varchar2
variable l_errbuf varchar2
variable l_errcode varchar2
execute XX_CITIDIRECT_EXP_PKG.main_proc(p_period =>$TSTAMP1,errbuf => :l_errbuf,retcode => :l_errcode);

Thanks in advanec

in function or procedure unix variables should be passed like '$valiable_name'
not $variable_name.Try this

then could you tell me then how the MAY-06 will be passed in present case

execute XX_CITIDIRECT_EXP_PKG.main_proc(p_period =>'MAY-06',errbuf => :l_errbuf,retcode => :l_errcode);

but this is erroring out

Can you run in this way and make sure the same block is getting executed in sqlplus without error.If you get any error then paste it here.

sqlplus -silent apps/apps <<EOF
p_period         VARCHAR2;
l_errbuf         varchar2;
l_errcode        varchar2;

XX_CITIDIRECT_EXP_PKG.main_proc(p_period =>'MAY-06',errbuf => :l_errbuf,retcode => :l_errcode);

and passing parameter as unix variable add this statement in shell script
x=`echo "'MAY-06'"`
and when you call that procedure pass value as p_period =>'$x'


TSTAMP1="'MAY-06'" <=== The problem is right here

sqlplus -silent demo/demoyou12@ctrmad1 <<EOF
variable p_period varchar2
variable l_errbuf varchar2
variable l_errcode varchar2
execute XX_CITIDIRECT_EXP_PKG.main_proc(p_period =>$TSTAMP1,errbuf => :l_errbuf,retcode => :l_errcode);