Help on Time elapsed?

Hi All,

I have 2 variables like SDATE and EDATE.

Now for example i ll give you values for the above 2 variables.

SDATE=11/08/09 11:22
EDATE=11/09/09 22:33

the values of the above variables are represented like this>>>>>> mm/dd/yy hh:mm Now I want to evaluate total time elapsed between starting [SDATE] and ending [EDATE]. How can I do that? some times there may be 2-3 days difference.

NOTE: Since 11/08/09 is Sunday hence it should not count the time for it. it should count only for days from monday till friday. Whenever there comes a saturday and sunday it should ignore that.

Please help.

It would be good to have a look at some PERL module. If you know perl programming already it would be better.

Date::Manip -

Date::Calc -

The thing is i dont know anything about perl. I just need to know how i can ignore saturdays and sundays!

nobody does. all we ever do is start reading and practice, practice plus more practice.