Help on nohup


I submitted a long running executable without using nohup. Now, is there any way I can assure to keep that process ON even if my session gets killed?


  • ctrl-z to suspend the process
  • bg to put it in the background
  • disown to disown it

It's a bit late to redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr now that it's already running. Just have to hope those closing those won't kill it when you logout. In ssh, it can actually hang the session waiting for things still using the console to finish...


I tried ctrl-z but its not responding to it. Normaly the process stops and gives new prompt, right? There on the new prompt only we have to run bg. Am I correct? Also I could not find anything like disown!!! I am using SunOS. What is the equalent command for disown there? If it helps to give an answer, I am using shell csh. One more question is, if I just make the process run in the background, will it guarentee that it will not get killed if the session closes. Any way in my case I am not worried about the o/p that comes on stderr or stdout. If there is any way I can assure the process to go till completion plese help out.


this thread suggests that SunOS isn't so strict about killing processes when the shell closes. Perhaps nohup is different in csh than bash.

In any case, all of the suggestions I could make would be made as you run the process, not after. This is a bit too late.