help on function call


when i call function inside awk traitement it doesn't work, i don't have error execution but i don't get result and if i call the function outside awk traitement it work well..
there's something special in awk call function??

here is the example :

awk -F "," '{ {first=$1; sec=$2; tro=$3;quat=$4 }
if (tro == "")

call_function }
{print $1","$2","$3 $4}}' $file > $file1

thanks for your help

is this an awk function or a shell function?

if it is an awk function it should work.

if it is a shell function it should NOT work. You could however put the shell function in a external script and call it from awk.

it's shell function and i put it in same script and a make call.

how can process to get it work?


You will have to put the function in another script and call it from awk using getline via a pipe. search on that. there are many examples out there.