Help on filtering the table in HTML

  1. how to get the filter option on table so that user can enter the fields which ever they want to print only according to the need ? to print the full fledge table if there is no value in the rows of the table but it should print the whole rows and column in proper tabular form?

1) I believe filter or drop down list selection cannot be done with pure HTML, but you can use JavaScript for this requirement.

2) If you don't have any values, I think you probably have to fill table cells with blank spaces:


<table border=1><tr><td>�����</td></tr></table>

In pure simple html you would provide a drop down list and they would submit to allow the server to add or filter a return new form and display page annotated with the filter terms.

In ECMAScript, you can write the whole app in one page, with supporting services it can call behind the scenes for insert, update, delete and refresh.