Help on awk to read xml file

I have a xml file as shown below. I want to parse the file and store data in variables.
xml file looks like:

<TEST NAME="DataBaseurl">jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ora10</TEST>
<TEST NAME="Databaseuser">Pradeep</TEST>

and many other such lines

i want to read this file and print the out put as

DataBase server : localhost
Port Number: 1521
Database SID: ora10
Database User: pradeep

i was able to read the file and get database port

cat <file> | grep DataBaseurl | awk -F ":" '{print $5}'

but for hostname i get @localhost ( "@" not required ) and database SID i get ora10</TEST>
how can i get rid of thsese extras and how can i get databaseuser

Try like this..

$ nawk -F"[<|>:@]" ' $0~/DataBaseurl/ {print $7,$8,$9} $0~/Databaseuser/ {print $3}' test
localhost 1521 ora10

Through sed..

sed -n '/DataBaseurl/{N;s/.*@\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\):\([^<]*\).*>\(.*\)<.*/DataBase server: \1\nPort number: \2\nDatabase SID: \3\nDatabase user: \4/p}' inputfile