Help needed

First of all, let me state that I am a windows admin.

I have a windows share mounted to /mnt/server

I need a script that will either login as sudo or perform commands with sudo rights. I need the script to copy all of the users /home folders to the mounted windows share. Now If I can schedule this script somehow, I will need the script to either, only copy the changes or overwrite the old folder each time the script is run.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Whoa. It sounds like an nfs mount on a box.
We need to start with:

  1. the unix os name and version
  2. what shell (shell language like bash or ksh) will you code in?
  3. are you using active directory or LDAP?
  4. what server will know when a new user has been added or a user removed?

Fedora Release 10 (Cambridge). Using Bash. Windows Active Directory (I already have the share mounted).