Help needed - trying to run commands in Guest LDoms from Control LDOM

Hi Folks,

I am used to writing scripts to get info by running commands at local zones level from their respective global zone by using zlogin <localzone> "command>" while remaining at the global zone level.

Can the same be done with Guest LDoms while remaining at the control LDOM level?

Thanks in advance

Hi Momin,

You can do this, to connect to the console and run commands you'd have to use something like expect to create the script and I'd think that it could get a bit messy.

You can connect with;

telnet 0 port_no

Where the port number can be found from the command;

ldm ls

It is identified usually with the column heading VCC.



Thanks for the input Dave!

Tried that using in the script and was able to login into the console of Guest LDom but the script is not able to execute commands within the Guest LDom, the rest of the sscript continues to run when I exit out of the Guest LDom console.... :wall:

Any ideas ???

Yes, as I said you will probably have to use "expect" it is specifically designed for scripting in interactive environments.

Check it out here.

gr8! Thanks for pointing out.

Enjoy your weekend :slight_smile: