Help needed to Spawn Shell on Python and Continue Execution

       def gob(url):
    print "\n\t[!] Running gobuster on target."
    params = " -e -s '307,200,204,301,302' -t 20 -u " + url + " >> /tmp/%s/gobuster.txt" % (ip)
               os.system("xterm -e bash -c "tail -f /tmp/%/gobuster.txt"")    
     for i in bflist:
            dirbf = "gobuster -w " + i + params
            print "Syntax: " + dirbf

Hi there,

For this piece of code; I need it to be able to run.
2ndly, I need to code to execute in the foreground and continue execution of the remaining code line.

  os.system("xterm -e bash -c "tail -f /tmp/%/gobuster.txt"")



  os.system("xterm -e bash -c \"tail -f /tmp/%/gobuster.txt\"")

and let us know what happens.

The shell does not spawn after I tried.

Well that is a useful reply - NOT!

If it is imperative to use 'xterm' then why not put your single line as a tiny script and call it something like:-
1) The script, say

tail -f /tmp/%/gobuster.txt

2) And if you want python NOT to wait for it to finish; then...

os.system("xterm -e /your/path/to/ &")

3) Or if you DO want python to wait for it to finish; then...

os.system("xterm -e /your/path/to/")

All this assumes you have imported 'os' into your python script...