Help needed to sort file

I have a text file comprising of 3 columns

  1. First column - numeric count/frequency of error codes
  2. Second column - alphanumeric hyphenated error code
  3. Third column - Error code description (alphanumeric)

184 ABCD-954 Errorcodedescription1
35645 DFMS-323 Errorcodedescription2
43534 XCVW-8793 Errorcodedescription3
56743 MWDS-234 Errorcodedescription4

I would like to sort this file in ascending order of the numeric portion of the errorcode above (the numeric part after the hyphen in the error code above e.g. it would be 954 for the first line above)

So the output should look like this :

56743 MWDS-234 Errorcodedescription4
35645 DFMS-323 Errorcodedescription2
184 ABCD-954 Errorcodedescription1
43534 XCVW-8793 Errorcodedescription3

Apparently I am not able to use any options of the sort command.

Any help will be really appreciated!


$ cat data
184 ABCD-954 Errorcodedescription1
35645 DFMS-323 Errorcodedescription2
43534 XCVW-8793 Errorcodedescription3
56743 MWDS-234 Errorcodedescription4
$ sort -t- -k2n data
56743 MWDS-234 Errorcodedescription4
35645 DFMS-323 Errorcodedescription2
184 ABCD-954 Errorcodedescription1
43534 XCVW-8793 Errorcodedescription3

thanks so muck! works like a charm!!