Help nawk parse file


Hope you are doing fine. I have a file in following format. I only want to process the data inside the section that comes after #DATE,CODE,VALUE

2011-08-02, ID1, 0.30
2011-08-02, ID2, 0.40
2011-08-02, ID3, 0.50

Means that I would like to read rows that come inside the #DATE,CODE,VALUE section and separate them out date, id and rate.

I would really appreciate any help.


nawk ' /#DATE,CODE,VALUE/ {t++; next}
       t { print $1, $2, $3 }' INPUTFILE 

Hi yazu,

Thank you very much, I will give it a try.

Question if the header #DATE, CODE, VALUE appears more than once in this file will it process those too?

I don't quite understand the question.
Check this one-liner on you file and you find the answer by yourself.