Help me to select the flavour

Hai Friends

I am writing a client-server application for backup utility. The computer is used only for backup utility. We have planed to place linux operating system in it. But i am confused with lots of falvour. I don't know really which flavour of linux to use. Can you please suggest me a flavour which would be very strong and stable for this process..?

Thanks in advance

FreeBSD + rsync is what I would use for backups. If you need Linux, then most distros will be perfectly fine too.

I'm personally a SUSE-aholic, and have never had a problem with it, and I've been using various versions of it for years. Currently I'm using 8.2 pro, and yes, I should upgrade to 9.x, but it's so rock-solid, that "if it ain't broke...."

I'm an old stickler for arcania, and I use cpio for my backups.
