Help Me! to find the the different


here i have given the input files and output files, and awk command
awk 'FNR==NR {a[$1]=$4;next} $1 in a {if ($4==a[$1]) t=0; else {t=$4-a[$1]};print $0,t}' file1.tsv file2.tsv

i have to find the COL1 number in file2 and get the difference of the matched number's COL3 Value that is i have to find the 14150524 in file2 and take a difference of 39.88 - 37.88 and the result i want is like 10527 14150524 Sa 39.88 -2

File 1	COL1	COL2	COL3
10527	14150524	Sa	39.88
10528	12311440	Sa	0
10529	12441731	Sa	111.66
10530	15120599	Sa	69.97
10531	21635123	Sa	149.99
10532	9854892	Sa	27.53
10533	14526541	Sa	67.06
10534	10993779	Sa	99
10535	15684120	Sa	112.99
10536	6051457	Sa	249
10537	10983989	Sa	149.97
10538	8222030	Sa	59
10539	10910428	Sa	237.2
10540	8477371	Sa	126.44

File2	COL1	COL2	COL3
10536	6051457	Sb	249
10537	10983989	Sb	149.97
10538	8222030	Sb	59
10530	15120599	Sb	69.97
10531	21635123	Sb	149.99
10532	8477371	Sb	126.44
10533	14526541	Sb	67.09
10534	10993779	Sb	99
10535	15684120	Sb	112.99
10527	14150524	Sb	37.88
10528	12311440	Sb	0
10529	12441731	Sb	111.66
10539	10910428	Sb	237.2
10540	9854892	Sb	27.54

Result	COL1	COL2	COL3	COL4
10527	14150524	Sa	39.88	0
10528	12311440	Sa	0	0
10529	12441731	Sa	111.66	0
10530	15120599	Sa	69.97	0
10531	21635123	Sa	149.99	0
10532	9854892	Sa	27.53	-98.91
10533	14526541	Sa	67.06	-0.03
10534	10993779	Sa	99	0
10535	15684120	Sa	112.99	0
10536	6051457	Sa	249	0
10537	10983989	Sa	149.97	0
10538	8222030	Sa	59	0
10539	10910428	Sa	237.2	0
10540	8477371	Sa	126.44	98.9

In addition to the two other threads that you started recently with the same title as this thread (and which have already been removed), this thread also duplicates what you started in another thread: To find and compare the data.

This discussion for this topic can continue there. This thread is closed.