help me plz

hi all
i want use apache server in red hat and using php
but i don't know how i can do this
plz help me for this
ineed documentation....
can u help...:confused:

what version of redhat do you use? are you sure apache isnt installed and running already? alot of distros have it installed and set it to run at boot by default. if its not installed you can most likely do so painlessly via redhats package manager.

come to think of it, if we determine that it is not installed at all, lets indoctrinate you immediately and i will help you with a source install. it will be easier for me to help you with that than with your package manager because i have never used redhat.

thank u norsk hedensk
i have redhat 9
but my problem i am new in redhat...
so i need documents talk about redhat 9 using web server in general server..
i will see redhat site but no document about it just for user.

thx for help :slight_smile:

ok well lets see if apache is running already. run the following command on your machien:

telnet localhost 80

if you get :

> telnet localhost 80
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

then you have an httpd server running already.

if not its still possible that it is installed however not running. in that case try this:
/etc/init.d/apache start

now on my system services have init.d scripts that you can use to start stop and restart services. these are the same scripts that are run during boot.

i dont user redhat so you may have a different setup but try that out anyway and let us know whats going on.

thank you norsk hedensk for your help
i will never forget
but you tell me you dont use redhat so what do u use?
thx norsk hedensk :slight_smile:

your welcome. so is apache running already? is it installed on your system? or do you have to install it? i use suse 8.2.

in redhat you could use the :
service httpd start / stop / restart

If it says [OK] when you issue the service httpd start command it should be up.. if it complains about service not found the apache webserver is not installed and needs to be installed.

if you want it to start at every boot issue the : chkconfig httpd on

When you install redhat 9 and the apache packages redhat will not start it for you. You need to use the chkconfig and service commands.

you can also issue the chkconfig --list to se what "services" you can start/stop with the service command

issue the : chkconfig <servicename> off
to not make it autostart at system bootup..


i will done.. i will running apache by update the system.
thx all for your help..
dear norsk hedensk why u use suse not another? do u have reasons for this i mean why not redhat for example?
and thx for all :slight_smile:

linux choice of distros are more a personal thing, not really which one is better. for ease of use i suppose redhat and suse are the same. i just happen to like the way suse is layed outbetter. i also like their (semi controversial) proprietary program called yast, which is also the installer.