Help me fix sdtfontadm program

Hi all.

I am trying to add font to use however sdtfontadm fail so many times regardless of using GUI or CDE. It look likes a very regular error.

It release "Segamentation Fault (core dump) ./sdtfontadm "

The serious of this problem is its hard to find a way without reinstalling the OS.

And the program cannot run.

Have anybody experience about this error? Please help me.

Thank you and Regards.

have you recently patched the system? whats the kernel rev at? uname -v

From google:
Bug ID: 6633698 sdtfontadm, sdtfontadd, sdtfontls crash

From SunSolve:

Patches are: (SPARC) (x86)

FYI: I have not tested or confirmed any of this information. These are simply the first hits searching has returned.

its Solaris 10 newest ...

@seg: thank for ur tip. I also tried so hard on google but maybe i not lucky or i don't use right key words :frowning:

My work is adding some Unicode font for FireFox in en.UTF-8 locale. Today i found that it just require add the font path and vi /etc/fonts/fonts.conf like this:
# /usr/dt/bin/sdtfontadm

and not require use the sdtfontadm to add font :slight_smile:

So fixing sdtfontadm is not necesscary. But i will try patching and notice if it sucess then.