Help - Made a serious admin error

Hello, I am a newbie to Unix administration (specifically Solaris 9). I have everything setup properly for auditing but I neglected to realize I needed to start a new logfile each week. Thus the one logfile grew to about 2.5GB before the auditreduce command could no longer process the file.

Does anyone know of a way to split a raw binary audit file into two parts that are both useable? I attempted to use split but either because the second part did not have appropriate header information or, more likely, because the split was not exactly on a record boundry the second part is unuseable.

Please help!

Caveat: I know nothing about Solaris audit files, but since there are no answers yet...

dd(1) is a useful tool for dealing with binary data
Are the records in the binary file a fixed size?
If so, and you have an idea how many records you want to copy from the original file, you could do something like

dd bs=record size count=n if=input file of=1st output file

to copy n records from the beginning of the file. Then to copy the remaining m records

dd bs=record size skip=n count=m if=input file of=2nd output file

Acutally I have no idea the format of the Solaris audit files which is part of the problem. I did some initial searches but could not find specifics on what the records would look like.

read the source for the bsmGUI to find the record structure bsmGUI

An alternative approach might be to try streaming the audit file into your parsing tool instead of opening a file handle within it, thusly:

bsm_parse_tool < auditfile