(Help) IPv6 tunneling over existing IPv4 in Solaris

Hi folks, i hope you'll help me to configure my ipv6 tunnel.
First, i create my tunnel in:
Hurricane Electric Free IPv6 Tunnel Broker
My IP is
in HE:
Server IPv4 address:
Server IPv6 address: 2001:470:1f14:16a::1/64
Client IPv4 address: [Update]
Client IPv6 address: 2001:470:1f14:16a::2/64


Routed /48: none
Routed /64: 2001:470:1f15:16a::/64

RDNS Delegation NS1: [Update] ns1.afraid.org
RDNS Delegation NS2: [Update] ns2.afraid.org
RDNS Delegation NS3: [Update] none

Also i get the example configuration script for Solaris:

ifconfig ip.tun0 inet6 plumb
ifconfig ip.tun0 inet6 tsrc tdst up
ifconfig ip.tun0 inet6 addif 2001:470:1f14:16a::2 2001:470:1f14:16a::1 up
route add -inet6 default 2001:470:1f14:16a::1

So, i run it

# sh ipv6.sh
Created new logical interface ip.tun0:1
add net default: gateway 2001:470:1f14:16a::1

and after this, i have no answer from my ipv6 router
# ping -A inet6 2001:470:1f14:16a::1
no answer from 2001:470:1f14:16a::1

Any ideas, how to fix this and make it work?

& your router supports RFC3053 ?

The configuration looks correct. The output of "ifconfig -a" would help.
Also, try pinging the local side of the tunnel:
ping -A inet6 2001:470:1f14:16a::2

Without any more information, my guess is your router/firewall (if you have one) doesn't support Protocol 41 tunneling, which is used by Hurricane Electric for IPv6 tunnels. This thread lists some routers that support Protocol 41:
Hardware that supports Protocol 41 Tunnels out of the box

Also, see my blog on setting up Solaris with Hurricane Electric's IPv6 tunnel:
Solaris IPv6 tunnel setup : Dan Anderson's Weblog

This webpage also has good (and more advanced) information:
IPv6 on Solaris