help in filename creation

I want to create a filename that has a form that contains the current day of the week in it.

One thought I have is to extract the day from the date command and put into a variable, such as doing :

date | awk '{print $1}'> $DAY

The question I have is -> how do I make this variable name to be part of a filename.
I want to have the filename be something like � todays_file.Tuesday�
by having :

FILENAME = todays_file

Any advice to this script challenged newbie is appreciated

email address removed

date | awk '{print > "todays_file." $1}'

HikerLT, remember your remarks in the last post of this thread? The link to the rules is now at the top of every page. It includes a rule:
(10) Don't post your email address and ask for an email reply. The forums are for the benefit of all, so all Q&A should take place in the forums.

It's too bad that we have to keep mopping up after you. It leaves no time to actually answer your question.

my sincere apology......

touch todays_file.`date +%A`

man 3 strftime for other formatting modifiers....
