Help in Deleting columns and Renaming Mutliple columns in a .Csv File

Hi All,
i have a .Csv file in the below format

startTime, endTime, delta, gName, rName, rNumber, m2239max, m2239min, m2239avg, m100016509avg, m100019240max, metric3min, m100019240avg, propValues
11-Mar-2012 00:00:00, 11-Mar-2012 00:05:00, 300.0, vma3550a, a-1_CPU Index<1>, 200237463, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, , , , ,
11-Mar-2012 00:05:00, 11-Mar-2012 00:10:00, 300.0, vma3550a, a-1_CPU Index<1>, 200237463, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, , , , ,
11-Mar-2012 00:10:00, 11-Mar-2012 00:15:00, 300.0, vma3550a, a-1_CPU Index<1>, 200237463, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, , , , ,

i want to delete 3rd and 14th field and then the following field headers are to be renamed

m2239max, m2239min, m2239avg, m100016509avg, m100019240max, metric3min, m100019240avg

My expected file format should be look like this

startTime, endTime, gName, rName, rNumber, M1max, M1min, M1avg, M2avg, M3max, M3min, M3avg, 
11-Mar-2012 00:00:00, 11-Mar-2012 00:05:00, vma3550a, a-1_CPU Index<1>, 200237463, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, , , , ,
11-Mar-2012 00:05:00, 11-Mar-2012 00:10:00, vma3550a, a-1_CPU Index<1>, 200237463, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, , , , ,
11-Mar-2012 00:10:00, 11-Mar-2012 00:15:00, vma3550a, a-1_CPU Index<1>, 200237463, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, , , , ,

I am newbie to Unix and sed.. Let me know if any inputs required.
This is kinda urgent.

Thanks in Advance,

I dont understand exactly which colums you want to delete.

But, format the output is easy with awk

# cat InputFile | awk -F"," '{print $2 $1 $4 $5 $6 }' > OutputFile

You can choose which colums you want or not.

Say me if it is not that you want



cut -d, -f-2,4-13 infile > newfile

And just edit the header by hand..

@SolarMax:- Thank you for the inputs... But i want to delete 3rd and 14th field and then i want the following Field headers are to renamed

m2239max, m2239min, m2239avg, m100016509avg, m100019240max, metric3min, m100019240avg

The Code u provided will onlt delete and prints the columns but i will not rename the filed headers.

Columns deletion and Field header renaming should happen at single Go with in a script. Hope it is clear

let me know if any clarification required.


"Delete the first line"
NBLIG=$(wc -l InputFile |awk '{print $1}')
let 'NBM1=NBLIG-1'
tail -$NBM1 InputFile > DataFileOnly
# Your new header
echo "m2239max, m2239min, m2239avg, m100016509avg, m100019240max, metric3min, m100019240avg" > NewFile
# Append
cat DataFileOnly >> NewFile

{ echo "m2239max, m2239min, m2239avg, m100016509avg, m100019240max, metric3min, m100019240avg"
  cut -d, -f-2,4-13 | sed 1d
} < infile > newfile


echo "m2239max, m2239min, m2239avg, m100016509avg, m100019240max, metric3min, m100019240avg" > newfile
cut -d, -f-2,4-13 infile | sed 1d >> newfile


Thanks for the help but my shell doesnt seem to support this kinda script. I use Bash shell. this peice of code is not being supported:(
Request you to provide the code which is supported by Bash.

@Scrutinizer:- Good peice of Code but it does seem to work. the following junk has been written to newfile


55y]`\314WW\325\233\347^]\324^T\363)\307|\3121\237r\314}\231\206\271O0\367      \346\315ij^^\235\315\2369^Cbn\256\356\^E=^E\203\253\273\257\335"\372\373a`\245\353^B\331
4\276E\336\232\347Qk^^W^X\363UT\365\346y^Gg>\345\230O9\346S\216\271o\3220\367   \346>\301\2749M\315\243\260\3313g@\314\357_\375^Mc^\271^Q\322w\355<\267\277\273$\327\276
\306|^UU\275y\336\301\231O9\346S\216\371\224c\356\2334\314}\202\271O0oN\253\346\327\257\315\366\355= \346\277\337P:\3370\346g\375o^S\363:\265o\344\215y^]5\346\272\340d\

i tried both codes but no Luck:(, Request you to provide an alternate for this:(

Thanks a Ton!!

What do you get when you

cat infile

then? Just to be clear in all cases infile is not to be taken literally but rather is to be substituted with the name of your input file

"my" code has been tested on Linux/bash
I work only in bash.

@Scrutinizer:- Thanks a ton, Its working great....
I had some environmantal set up issues, hence couldn't excecuted the peice of code.

@SolarMax:- Thank you much:) your code works fine now.

Thanks again, you guys really rock!!