Help in changing the Parent id of a script

I want to run a script as new process. for example, I have two script A and B. From A I am calling B, but When I do ps -ef for the script B the parent ID should not be A' ID.
Please help me

Thanks & Regards

There is one command known as "disown" in solaris. That is used to detach the process from its parent id.

like if there is any job %1


disown %1

will detach the job from parent id.

let me know if it helps.

disown is a shell builtin - not a standalone utility. It is only for job control and does not actually detach a process from its parent.

All user processes have a parent ID. Why do you think that the parent ID of script B should not be that of script A?

You can assign init process as parent for your script, by running:

nohup -p pid_of_B