Help finding a video faster

Is there a way to make this search faster? It takes about 30 minutes. Its a video so I figured I could say larger than 100 MB. It contains Mark so I added name. What else could I do to make the search faster?

find / -type f -name "*Mark*" -size +100M 2>/dev/null
  1. Restrict the search to the file system where you think the file is.
  2. Reduce the number of files per directory.
find $(locate "Mark") -type f -size +100M

@nezabudka: nice idea, but non-linux systems might not have the locate service. And, doesn't find need (at least) one starting directory, and a single string per -name test?

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find $(locate "Mark") -maxdepth 0 -type f -size +100M

I apologize again for the late fix

find $(locate -b "Mark") -maxdepth 0 -type f -size +100M

As RudiC has pointed out some systems might not have the 'locate' tool and if it does the database needs to be created first.
OSX 10.14.3, default bash terminal...

Last login: Wed May  1 12:52:45 on ttys000
AMIGA:amiga~> locate -S

WARNING: The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist.
To create the database, run the following command:

  sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Please be aware that the database can take some time to generate; once
the database has been created, this message will no longer appear.

AMIGA:amiga~> _
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May be this could be a help, using iname from find command. maxdepth option could be set as or if you want to look in whole file system then remove it. By doing this you are simply telling find command to look to certain levels of directories and DO NOT look for all(in case we have set maxdepth option)

find /your_file_system/ -type f -iname "*Mark*" -maxdepth 0 -size +100M  2>/dev/null

R. Singh