Help DAT 72 tape stuck.

Hi everyone, I have a ibm p65 server with an internal DAT 72 tape drive. When I go to press the eject button the second light will blink for several minutes then stop. If I issue a

tctl -f /dev/rmt0 status

it tells me its available and gives back other information.

Now if I try this

tctl -f /dev/rmt0 offline

it tells me device not ready. After some research people were saying that it was because the drive did not contain a tape. However I can clearly see a tape.

So at this point I am lost. My only other option I can think of would be to reboot the machine. The server is a AIX 5.3.

Oh and here is some more information if this helps.

diag -d /dev/rmt0 

yields cannot find device.


lscfg | grep rmt0 

gives the following output.
# lscfg | grep rmt0
+ rmt0 U787A.001.DPM05D5-P1-T10-L0-L0 LVD SCSI 4mm Tape Drive (36000 MB)

So my questions is does anyone have any other suggestions besides rebooting this machine?

p65???? p650 maybe?

lsdev -Cc tape
is it available?

Is it still in use?

Here is the output of the lsdev

# lsdev -Cc tape
rmt0 Available 09-08-00-0,0 LVD SCSI 4mm Tape Drive