help comparing linux to unix

Hi I am in the middle of writing my last clas assignment and need some help. Can anyone tell me where I can find a good site that compares unix to the areas of user interface, memory, processing, device handling and files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.......or if you can actually give me comp and contrasts of each

The best advice I can give is this:\+and\+contrast\+Linux\+to\+UNIX

You will find a plethora of information. Also, go to these sites as well.

Try these, you should find some of what you need.


Pls read the forum rules. No Assignment or Homework of any kind allowed in the forum.

(6) Do not post classroom or homework problems.

It looked like homework to me too, but I thought I could help him out and point him in a direction for research purposes without "giving the answer" to him.

Please don't delete this post. It seems like an honest interest in UNIX. I didn't want to stunt their view of UNIX.

Overall Killerserv, you are correct and I agree as well.
