Head and Tail in One Line

I am new to UNIX......I have one file which contains thousnads of records with header and tailer.

Record 1
Record 2
Last Record

I want to concatenate Header and Trailer in the first line....now the output should look like this:

Header: Header value, Trailer: Trailer Value
Record 1
Record 2
Last Record

I used this command to get the trailer from file:
tail -1 output_file

But not getting logic to further do.....can anybody pls complete this script.......thanks....

I think you want something like:

awk 'NR == 1 { line1=$0} END { print "line one is " , line1 , " last line is " $0 }' data.file
sed '1d;$d' data.file

in awk

awk '{ if ( NR == 1 ) { header=$0 } else { arr[i++] = $0 } }END { print header, $0; for (x=0; x<i-1; x++) {print arr[x]} }' test2