Having problems with removing a volume group..

Dear all,
I would be very grateful if you could help me with removing the volume group.. The case is that, I was trying to create a volume group with 4 disk eligible, but the system has hang [RS/6000 with 4 processors and 8 Gb of memory :slight_smile: ].. Maybe because the disks that I was trying to include into the new volume group were of too large size (22 disks, 72Gb each).. And now i have an inactive volume group.. And I cannot make it active.. I have trying everything, but i'm having errors whatever I do.. I thought I could just export it, but it's also not giving me to export the vg.. I wouldn't mind to have one inactive empty vg, but the problem is that the hdisk3(about 360Gb) is in that vg.. And I did not manage to extract the disk from the vg.. Maybe if I'll manage to extract the disk, i'll be able to remove the vg.. But I don't know how..

Please help!!
Thank you in advance...


what kind of error message are you getting when you try to do "export <vgname>" or "reducevg <vgname> hdisk3"?

Hdisk3 seems to be RAID-array?


Yes, the hdisk3 is a partition of the Raid array.. (raid 1)
The error message is something like:
The LVM returned an unknown code (3).
Or when I try to remove the vg, the message is: Failed to execute the programm ' '
and when I try to do all the other commands, usually I get : The Volume Group must varied on first.. Use the varyonvg command..

Uh.. quite hard one you throw to me. :eek:

Could you please provide me some more information:

Outputs of "varyonvg <vgname>", "lsvg -p <vgname>", "lsdev -Cc disk | grep hdisk3", "lspv | grep <vgname>" and "lqueryvg -Atp hdisk3" might help me to get on right track with this one.


Thank you Tommy for your help,
I solved the problem..
I just reinstalled the whole AIX, and restored the options that I have already configured.

thank you very much again...


Very non-unix-way problem solving, but I'm glad to hear that helped.
