having problem with for loop

i have the below script that will grep a particular pattern and then will compute the sum of its value.

TZ=`date +%Z`+48 ;a=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
echo $a

for i in `cat Archiver* | grep "$a" | grep 'ERROR' | grep 'CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals'`

num=`$i | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f9`
sum=`expr $sum + $num`
echo "Total CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals is $sum"

if i use the below command it's work fine

cat Archiver* | grep "2008-10-14" | grep 'CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals' | head -5

2008-10-14 05:47:05,551 [Thread-6] ERROR - CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals: 1
2008-10-14 05:50:54,072 [Thread-6] ERROR - CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals: 1
2008-10-14 05:55:41,604 [Thread-6] ERROR - CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals: 1
2008-10-14 05:59:56,391 [Thread-6] ERROR - CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals: 1
2008-10-14 06:00:04,117 [Thread-6] ERROR - CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals: 3

how to use the above command in for loop so that my sum should be 1+1+1+1+3=7

Try this...

grep "2008-10-14"  Archiver* | grep 'CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals' | awk '$6=="CleanLPDataMessage:" {t+=$9} {next} END {print "Total CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals is "t}'
grep "2008-10-14"  Archiver* | grep 'CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals' | awk '{t+=$9} {next} END {print "Total CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals is "t}'

Here's the portion from your while loop:

while read line
    num=$(echo $line | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f9)
    sum=`expr $sum + $num`
done < <( grep -h $a Archiver* | grep 'ERROR' | grep 'CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals' )
echo "Total CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals is $sum"

But the entire while loop and its process substitution can be done more simply in awk or perl:

perl -ne 'END {print "Total CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals is $sum\n"} /^'"$a"'.* ERROR - CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals: (\d+)$/ and $sum += $1' Archiver*

All you need to do is to set a, your data variable just as you did above.

I think for loop doesn't accepts complete cat command inside it ,
You can first have output in another file and the use that file in for loop like

TZ=`date +%Z`+48 ;a=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
echo $a
grep "$a" Archiver* | grep 'ERROR' | grep 'CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals' > temp1
for i in `cat temp1`

num=`$i | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f9`
sum=`expr $sum + $num`
echo "Total CleanLPDataMessage: Missing Intervals is $sum"
try this
Tc- Aparna

Sure it will. The OPs solution caused the output of the Archives files to be sent through a series of pipes. The problem was that then that output was word split, so the for loop was iterating over words, not lines.

does anyone know how to write a script file that sums the numbers passed to it as arguments on the command line and display the results?


Basically add 3 number and show the results

Dear twan don't ask new question inside a thread
if you wanna ask please start a new thread.
simply write this inside the script

echo $((sum=$1+$2+$3))
$ cat ~/bin/sum

echo $@ | sed 's/  */+/g' | bc

$ ~/bin/sum 1 5 10
$ ~/bin/sum 2
$ ~/bin/sum 2 4 6 8
$ ~/bin/sum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10