Having a prob. installing SUSE Linux on a laptop

Hi Everyone

Im just wondering if anyone knows why when you install SUSE Linux 8.0 on a NEC Versa Laptop that KDE does not fill the entire window. There is a peripheral setup that I played with both the display settings and changing the display adapter, but nothing seems to fix the problem. Everything else works fine. It always seems the display is always the thing to give you a hassle after an install.

The install setup screen completely filled the screen so I know its nothing with my hardware.

Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.


might be your video card drivers. also see what resolution the installer ran in, and run in that res, see if that works. also suse is up to version 9 already, 8.2 is available online for install via ftp. your problem may be nonexistent.

Try to search on www.linux-laptop.net : a very good place to see if anyone had your problems too.

Suse.com has got a repository with all supported hardware !!!!! Try to search better , i think on suse.com.


Thanks for the info!

Have a lot of fun!