Hardware Raid related problem

Dear All

I would Like to know that if suppose c1t0d0 is of 72 gb hard disk and system boot from this hard disk and c1t1d0 is of 147gb hard disk. Can we implement hardware raid (Mirror) between these two hard disks of different capacity if raid crontroller is present in the server

Kind regards

Recommended to have same size of disks.

Though if you try to perform H/w RAID on those, the remaining 72G on the other disk is wasted and cant be used

Importantly, pls check if your server supports h/w raid. What model are you intending to use h/w raid on? Some are architectural or OS release specific..Fyi

First of all thanks for replying. Actually my server model is SunFire V440.


Yes you can :slight_smile:
[SAGE] Sun's Recommendation on V440 internal disk configuration