Hardware problem diagnosing

Hey guys how to do diagnose solaris for hardware problems/issues. This is a general question for all common hardware components under solaris server.

few options here...

diag levels at the OBP.

at the os level, look through dmesg (/var/adm/messages). look at fmstat and fmdump. if you have a sc you can view logs and xscf can use fmstat as well. if there are any 3rd party devices that you think may have failed, look at their website and see if they have any utilities.

what exactly is your problem?

let us know the model of the system. its easier for us to guide you the correct methods.

Thanks for the info guys, i dont have any specific problem or hardware in questions im just looking for general info for the future just in case:)

To run Sun hardware diagnostics, perform the following at the ok> prompt:

ok> setenv auto-boot? false
ok> setenv diag-switch? true
ok> setenv diag-level max
ok> setenv diag-device disk net (if appropriate)
ok> reset
(watch results of diagnostic tests)

If devices appear to be missing, you can also run the following tests:

ok> probe-scsi-all
ok> probe-sbus
ok> show-sbus
ok> show-disks
ok> show-tapes
ok> show-nets
ok> show-devs

In addition, the following commands can be used to examine the CPUs or switch to another CPU:

ok> module-info
ok> processor_number switch-cpu

At the end of this process, reset your PROM parameters:
ok> setenv auto-boot? true (if appropriate)
ok> setenv diag-switch? false (if appropriate)

(Note that the diagnostics can take a substantial amount of time to run, depending on your hardware configuration. Most admins prefer to turn them off unless they are diagnosing a problem.)

For sun4u (Ultra) systems, you can get some of this information by running /usr/platform/`arch -k`/sbin/prtdiag -v on a running system.

Results from the above should be compared to log entries in /var/adm/messages or console error messages.

Some additional PROM diagnostics are available at the ok> prompt. To discover what additional diagnostics are available for your hardware, type help diag at the ok> prompt. The output will include the appropriate syntax for all available PROM diagnostic functions. Note that reset should be run as above before running the tests. It is also possible that test-all might hang the system, requiring a power cycle.