Hardware information

Hi Advance users,

Is there any tools in centos6.5 to 6.9 can get hardware like Motherboard Serial, mac address and Processor in basic installations. This will for the encryption and generate license in application.

I used dmidecode, but dmidecode is not include in the basic server installation.



Here are some possibilities:

System hardware (only) detection, reporting

        1) lshw, lspci, lsusb, lshw-gtk

        2) hwinfo

        3) hardinfo, in a GTK+ window

        4) dmidecode

        5) discover

        *) See also "inventory" for combination software, hardware reporting

System information, detection, reporting, inventory software, hardware

        1) inxi
           https://github.com/smxi/inxi (verified 2016.08.16)

        2) platinfo  (need python)

        3) screenfetch

        4) sysinfo

        5) config.guess

        6) system_profiler (for OS X)

My version of CentOS (6.4) has dmidecode installed, but I do not recall if I installed it or if it came installed.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl