Hard-disk partition is Full problem?


Currently I am working in One of the webhosting company and I found 

on one of my server "/home" partition is getting full say 105% usage...

But when I actually check the partition size using "du -h", exact partition

 utilization is only 60-70%.

    So please tell me how I can overcome this problem??

 I think its because of i-node problem...I tried hard to find out,

 but not getting success till....

 Please guide me.....


i have no idea why there are 105% (on solaris i never saw this)
but if du show less then df i have two explanations:

  1. somewone removed an open file from a directory. du does not see that file anymore an therefore cannot include it in its measurement. the file will be removed from the disk when the last filehandle for this file is closed. df reports the space as used until the file is removed from the disk.
  2. your filesystem is damaged.your admin has to unmount and repair it
    mfg g�nter