handling Infinite fork

how Unix handles as process which forks infinitely.
like .......


What happens when it is executed and how to avoid it.


It creates as many processes as possible. Many versions of unix are configured with a kernel variable called maxuproc or something like that. It is max processes that a non-root user can create. That is really the only protection and even with that a program like this is a nuisance. As fast as you kill a process, another takes its place.

To recover, as root, su to the user who is running the "while(1) fork();". root will be allowed to switch a root process to this user even if this bumps the number of processes past maxuproc. Now you have a shell running as the user. The shell cannot fork(), but it can exec(). So enter the command:
exec /usr/bin/kill -9 -1
Killing process -1 actually signals all processes owned by the user. This is documented on the kill(2) man page and this is required by posix. If there are a lot of processes and system calls are preemptable and processes with real-time priority are running, this may not work. A second approach is:
exec /usr/bin/kill -STOP -1
The STOP signal, whose number varies from system to system, cannot be caught. It is used for job control and suspends the process. A suspended process cannot attempt to fork() but it continues to consume a process slot so no new process can take its place. Once all of the offending processes are suspended, then you can kill them off.

Shells often have a built-in kill command... if it can handle -1 are a process number, then you can use that. But shells often have built-in kills that choke on the KILLALL constant.

thanks a lot.

Further you can impose individual/group specific limit using pam_limit and configurations written in /etc/security/limits.conf file.