GUI without GTK - Is it possible?

Is GUI programming without GTK possible? If so, how? Or what libraries should I #include? Google seems to tell me that GUI programming in C++ is much more popular then in C. I'm assuming because of the Object Orientedness (if that is even a word)?

Before you say things like "Search the forums", I know there have been threads on GUI programming before, but this focuses on without using GTK. Even if I lose features, I don't plan on using GUI programming that much.

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I had a taste of Qt some time ago. The main concern is whether you want cross-platform: Qt and GTK+ has pretty high platform independence. I have seen people using FLTK too.


You can use "curses.h" to create some level of GUI. Not sure if thats what you meant.

curses.h is pretty cool; not exactly what I was looking for, but cool.

Is GUI programming without GTK possible? If so, how?


#include <X11/Intrinsics.h>

and use the Widgets. :slight_smile:

GUI on Unix is normally done with X11, this is a layered architecture with Xlib at the bottem, which gives you a raw C api to the protocol, then Intrinisics which give you Widgets which are basically object orientated constructs supporting windowing on X11. Start with 'man XtCreateWidget'.

If you want a comparison using Xlib and Intrinsics is comparable to using the Win32 API without MFC.